Sculptures • 1

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

— Dr. Suess

Don Quixote
Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana

Don Quixote

This seven-foot African sorcerer began as a vintage nude female mannequin. However, like all art, sometimes the long journey takes an abrupt turn and I simply followed the voice.

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Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana


I’m showing some of the mental processes leading to her final narrative. It’s a trial and error construction delivery with the goal of exhibiting the happiest and saddest contradiction in the same moment of time.

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Easy Rider
Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana Sculptures • 1 Nancy Campana

Easy Rider

Here we have what seems to be a motorcycle and rider… when you’re invited to closer inspection it’s readily obvious that many antique accouterments make this illusion come to life.

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Sculptures Sold
from 1985-2020